Home Customer Service Contacts BISP BENAZIR INCOME SUPPORT PROGRAMME Helpline Number









BISP BENAZIR INCOME SUPPORT PROGRAMME Helpline Number For Exchange/ Reception:


1Ms. Shazia MarriChairperson BISP101051-9246313chairperson@bisp.gov.pk
(Fax) 0519246314
2Rozina NazAPS to Chairperson124051-9246313rozina_nz@yahoo.com
3Malik Muhammad Abu BakarDeputy Director to Chairperson103051-9246316dd.cp@bisp.gov.pk
4Sardar Ali KhanProtocol Officer241Sardaralikhann794@gmail.com
5Farman NawazDigital Media Expert110farmanali@gmail.com
1Mr. Amer Ali AhmadSecretary BISP102051-9246318secretary@bisp.gov.pk
2Muhammad TariqSO to Secretary111051-9246303tariqawanps@gmail.com
3Muhammad SafeerAPS to Secretary104051-9246318 
(Fax) 0519246319
1Dr. Muhammad Tahir NoorAddl. Secretary BISP125051-9246367mtnoor@gmail.com
2Husnain HaiderAPS to Addl. Secretary126051-9246367hhaider61@gmail.com
1Hammad Khan MarriDirector General (Admn) (Look after Charge)248051-9246392dg.admn@bisp.gov.pk
2Adnan ul HassanDirector (Admn) HQ117051-9246322dir.admin@bisp.gov.pk
3Khawar BaseerDeputy Director (Admn)341051-9246391khawar_baseer@yahoo.com
4Muhammad Sohail KhanAssistant Director (Admn)194051-9246010admin.officer@bisp.gov.pk
5Amir ShehzadTransport Incharge107amirs0199@gmail.com
6Khalid HayatAssistant (Admn)107 
7Mirza Mubashar BaigAPS to DG (Admn)277051-9246392mubasharbaig@hotmail.com
8Mirza Mansoor BaigAPS to Director (Admn)223051-9246322mansoorbaigs@hotmail.com
1Haider MurtazaDirector (Admn -Field)230051-9246385dir.fa@bisp.gov.pk
2Muhammad SajjadDeputy Director (Admn -Field)123051-9246426dd.fadmin@bisp.gov.pk
3Liaquat AliAssistant Director (Admn -Field)122 ad.fadmin@bisp.gov.pk
1Amir Sohail LangrawDirector (IC&C)225051-9246004dir.icc@bisp.gov.pk
2Syed Imtiaz ShahDeputy Director (Int. Coordination)188dd.ic2@bisp.gov.pk
3Rai Muhammad QazafiDeputy Director (Coordination)208dd.icc@bisp.gov.pk
4Shah Zaman ShahAssistant Director (PMDU)208051-9246321ad.icc@bisp.gov.pk
1Muhammad LuqmanDirector (Procurement)114051-9246390dir.procurement@bisp.gov.pk
2Hafiz Ikram Ul HaqDeputy Director162 dd.procurement@bisp.gov.pk
3ArifullahAssistant Director162 ad.procurment@bisp.gov.pk
4Umer WazirAssistant Director162 ad.procurment2@bisp.gov.pk
5Syed Zafar Ali ShahProcurement Specialist336 zafar.fca@gmal.com
6Suhail AwanProcurement Specialist127  
7Muhammad QasimNational Proc.Specialist mqk317@gmai.com
8Abdul Raheem MughalProcurement Specialist abimer@hotmai.com
9Shumaila SamooDeputy Director (Contract Management Specialist)373 dd.cms@bisp.gov.pk
10Waheed SialAPS to Director Procurement184051-9246390 
1Abdul Majeed ChohanDirector (CI/Waseelas)301051-9246306dir.ci3@bisp.gov.pk
2Zulfiqar Ali GopangDeputy Director (CI /Waseelas)334 dd.waseela@bisp.gov.pk
3Zahir ShahAssistant Director334 zahir772@yahoo.com
4Shazia MirAssistant Director (HR)705  
5ShahidMehmoodAPS to Director (CI)262  
1Hammad Khan MarriDirector General (HRM)105051-9246376dg.om@bisp.gov.pk
2Fayyaz A. SoomroDeputy Director (Policy & Regulations)138051-9246336dd.hr4@bisp.gov.pk
3Syed Ali Raza ShahAssistant Director (Policy & Regulations)283 
4Shafqat AliAssistant Director (Policy & Regulations)  
5Jamil Ahmed  BhattiAPS to DG (HRM)230051-9246376 
1Ms.Baseerat MemraizDirector HR (HQ Establishment)119051-9246325dirhr.estab@bisp.gov.pk
2Zaheer HussainDeputy Director HR (HQ Estab.)163dd.hr1@bisp.gov.pk
3Islam Ud  Din KhattakAssistant Director HR (HQ Estab.)203Islamkhattak15@gmail.com
4Ajmal HussainAssistant Director (Recruitment)152ajmalhussain11056@gmail.com
5Ghulam HussainAPS to Dir (HQ)151051-9246325 
1Akhtar SaeedDirector HR (Region)116051-9246310dir.regions@bisp.gov.pk
2Murad Ali ShahDeputy Director (Field)- III121 
3Fawad KyaniDeputy Director (Field)- I276dd.hr2@bisp.gov.pk
4Asmat UllahDeputy Director (Field)- II asmat3222@gmail.com
5Ghulam AbbassAssistant Director (Field-I)175ad.fhr1@bisp.gov.pk
6Allah RakhiyoAssistant Director(Field-II) abbasirak@gmail.com
7Muhammad AwaisAPS to Dir (Field)321051-9246310
8Naureen RazaqAssistant Director (Field-II)705 ad.fhr2@bisp.gov.pk  
1Masroor HussainDirector (Legal)253051-9246309dir.legal@bisp.gov.pk
2Ch. ShafiqLegal Advisor244051-9246417chshafiq@gmail.com
3Adnan AliAssistant Director (Legal)342051-9246329ad.legal@bisp.gov.pk
1Amir Sohail LangrawDirector (HRD)225051-9246004dir.icc@bisp.gov.pk
2Adil HussainDeputy  Director(L&D)154 dd.training@bisp.gov.pk
3Ms. Lubna AsgharAssistant Director (L&D)297 ad.training@bisp.gov.pk
4Ms. Zainab MunawarAssistant Director   
5Ms.Nadia FakharConsultant   
1Amir MasoodDeputy Director (CP)215dd.cp@bisp.gov.pk
2Masood ur RehmanAssistant Director215ad.cp@bisp.gov.pk
3Muhammad ArifAAO215 
1Naveed AkbarDirector General (CCT)106051-9246382dg.cct@bisp.gov.pk  
2Wiqar AhmadDirector (CCT)211051-9246302wiqar.ahmad@bisp.gov.pk  
3Abdul Sattar MazharDeputy Director (CCT)373051-9224518dd.ctt1@bisp.gov.pk  
4Sardar Azmat Ali KhanDeputy Director (CCT- II)394051-9246423dd.cct2@bisp.gov.pk  
5Zeesha KhawajaAssistant Director (CCT)WET391051-9210708ad.cct3@bisp.gov.pk  
6Beenish KhushiEnrollment & Monitoring Specialist399 ems.beenish@bisp.gov.pk  
7Suleman Muzaffar KhanCMS314 cms.suleman@bisp.gov.pk  
8Laila SadafProgramme Associate (Nutrition)399 laila.sadaf@wfp.org  
9Kaleem ullah KhanAssistant Director (Nutrition)403 ad.cct4@bisp.gov.pk
10Muhammad NasirAssistant Director (Nutrition)458 adcct.accounts@bisp.gov.pk
11Ahmed Hussain KhawajaAssistant Director (CCT)307 ad.cct@bisp.gov.pk
12Tasveer AbbasPayment Specialist (WeT)302ps.wt@bisp.gov.pk  
13Ms. ShabanaAPS to DG (CCT)165051-9246382 
14Tehmeena GulzarDD (Nutrition)305051-9246304dd.nutrition2@bisp.gov.pk 
1Naveed AkbarDirector General (NSER)106051-9246382dg.cct@bisp.gov.pk
2Dr. Asim IjazDirector (NSER)416051-9246337dir.nser@bisp.gov.pk
3Muhammad Noman AliOps Design & Planning Specialist383051-9246006noman.ali@bisp.gov.pk
4Asiya ParveenField Ops Associate (FOA)716051-9246005asiya.mughal@bisp.gov.pk
5Maliha ArifDeputy Director (NSER)451maliha.arif@bisp.gov.pk
6Farhan Ali AbbasiLogistic Coordinator051-9246009farhan.ali@bisp.gov.pk
7Faheem Ullah RehmaniAssistant Director (NSER)-I403051-9246335ad.nser@bisp.gov.pk
8Samina ArifAssistant Director (NSER)-II391051-9210708ad.nser2@bisp.gov.pk
9Nasim AbbasAPS to DG (NSER)166051-9246382 
10Abida UmarProgram Associates SBCC WFP692 abida@wfp.org
11Sajida TufailProgram Associates SBCC WFP692 sajida.tufail@wfp.org
1Naveed AkbarDirector General (Technology) Additional Charge106051-9246382naveed.akbar@bisp.gov.pk  
2Hamid Ali KhanDirector  (Network\Systems\Op s)118 hamid.khan@bisp.gov.pk  
3Malik Faraz AhmedDeputy Director (Sr.  Network\Infra\Ops)183 faraz.ahmed@bisp.gov.pk  
4M. Farhan KhalidAssistant Director (Support Engineer Network)178 farhan.malik@bisp.gov.pk  
5Gul FarazAsst. Network Administrator182 gul.faraz@bisp.gov.pk  
6Raja Asad MehmoodAsst. System Engineer182 assad@bisp.gov.pk  
1Rana KhurramSPM471 rana.khuram@bisp.gov.pk  
2Muhammad HashimProgrammer471 muhammad.hashim@bisp.gov.pk
3Zeeshan HussainSenior Software Developer471  
4M Tahir ZiaSoftware Developer471  
5Mirza Moazzam BaigBusiness Analyst285  
6Irfan HanifQAE (Data Bases) muhammad.irfan@bisp.gov.pk
7Syed AzharDeputy Director (DBA )268 s.azhar@bisp.gov.pk
8Khizar FarooqDeputy Director (SA)268 khizir.farooq@bisp.gov.pk
9FaisalGIS Specialist (SSA)268 saher@bisp.gov.pk  
10Wasim FarooqSr. Administrator156 wasim.farooq@bisp.gov.pk
11Osama AliNetwork Security Specialist156 osama.ali@bisp.gov.pk
12Tufail AbbasiInformation Security Specialist (ISS )156 tufail.abbasi@bisp.gov.pk
13Farrukh RashidQAC  farrukh.rashid@bisp.gov.pk
14Shabbir AhmedSenior DBA268 shabbier.ahmed@bisp.gov.pk
1Irfan ShaikhDirector Cyber Security200051-9246386Irfan.sheikh@bisp.gov.pk
2Ms. AnumCyber Security Engineer329  
1Ms. Saira AttaDirector General (Ops)109051-9246112dg.ops@bisp.gov.pk
2Razzaq MehmoodDeputy Director (M&E Coord)206ddme.coord@bisp.gov.pk
3Shafaq NazAssistant185051-9246112 
1Vijay KumarDirector (FO) Additional Charge220051-9246352dir.fo@bisp.gov.pk
2Abdul Wali KhanDeputy Director (FO)207dd.fo1@bisp.gov.pk
3Salma AbidDeputy Director (FO)205dd.fo@bisp.gov.pk
4Ghulam MustafaAssistant Director FO (Compliance)207ad.fo3@bisp.gov.pk
1Shahid AliDirector (M&E) Additional Charge475051-9210704dir.me@bisp.gov.pk
2Touseef AhmedDeputy Director (Research)474051-9210716dd.me@bisp.gov.pk
3Asim AliDeputy Director (Evaluation)478asim1979@yahoo.com
4Uzair Ahmed KhanMonitoring Specialistms.me@bisp.gov.pk
5Zahra BatoolM&E Coordinatorcoord.me@bisp.gov.pk
6Fawad AliAssistant Director (UCT)466 fawad.ali@bisp.gov.pk
7Naveed AhmedDeputy Director (Monitoring)472051-9210699dd.me2@bisp.gov.pk
8Aisha FaridAssistant Director (M&E) CCT463 ad.me@bisp.gov.pk
9Amjad AliAssistant Director (Data Analyst)478  
10Hassan Mumtaz BaberAssistant Director (Evaluation)474051-92107166ad.evaluation@bisp.gov.pk
11Imran ArifAPS to Dir (M&E)689051-9210704 
1Noor Rehman KhanDirector General (CT)120051-9246379dg.ct@bisp.gov.pk noor.rehman@gmail.com  
2Shahid AliDirector (P&C) CT145051-9246323dir.ct@bisp.gov.pk
3Faisal AslamDirector (P&R) CT224faisal.aslam@bisp.gov.pk  
4Syed Aqeel AbbasDeputy Director (Payment/PS-I)332051-9246415dd.payment@bisp.gov.pk  
5Shafqat UllahDeputy Director (Policy & Coord)206dd.pc@bisp.gov.pk
6Dr. Muhammad InamDeputy Director ( Reconciliation)147m.inam@bisp.gov.pk
7Dr. Muhammad InamDeputy Director ( Reconciliation)693 Financial Literacy Control Room
8Syed Ghayoor HussainAssistant Director (Evaluation &Learning)143051-9246415ad.fo2@bisp.gov.pk
9Nauman UmerPayment Specialist (UCT-I)278ps.uct@bisp.gov.pk
10Amjad KhalidAssistant Director (Coordination)726ad.payments1@bisp.gov.pk  
11Zeeshan SaleemPayment Specialist (UCT-II)315ps.uct2@bisp.gov.pk
12Humera NadeemAssistant Director (Policy581adpolicy.ct@bisp.gov.pk  
13Ahmer AtherPayment Specialist174cms.wt@bisp.gov.pk  
14Raja M. DaudPS to DG (CT)286051-9246379 
15Syed Fida AbbasPS to Director (P&C) CT286ps.fida.zaidi@bisp.gov.pk  
1Vijay KumarDirector (E&GR)140051-9246422dir.bs@bisp.gov.pk
2Ibrar Ul HassanDeputy Director324051-9246414dd.gr@bisp.gov.pk
3Malik Waqar ImtiazDeputy Director328051-9246414dd.enr@bisp.gov.pk
4Ajmal KhanAssistant Director (Public Grievance)328ad.pg@bisp.gov.pk
5Rao Faisal NiazAssistant Director (Enrollment)206ad.ctenr@bisp.gov.pk  
6Dr. Naveed JooAssistant Director (Individual Grievances)586ad.igr@bisp.gov.pk
7Shafqat Ul IslamAPS to Director (E&GR)299shafqatulislam@yahoo.com
1Atta ullah ChohanAssistant (DE)465 
1Usman Azam ShehzadDirector General  (IA)319051-9246416dg.intaudit@bisp.gov.pk
2M. Imran MukhtarDirector (IA)218051-9246321dir.ia2@bisp.gov.pk
3Khurram Sheraz GondalDeputy Director (EFC/WB)251 dd.intaudit@bisp.gov.pk
4M.Omer Farooq JajjaDeputy Director (IA)-I204 dd.ia@bisp.gov.pk
5Sajid Mahmood RajaDeputy Director (IA)-III204 sajid.audit@bisp.gov.pk
6Aziz ur RehmanDeputy Director (IS Auditor)246 aziz.audit@bisp.gov.pk
7Amjad IqbalAssistant Director204 amjad.audit@bisp.gov.pk
8Maryam AkbarAssistant Director289 maryam.audit@bisp.gov.pk
9Shahla SalmanAPS to DG (IA)331051-9246416 
10Raza ShakirAssistant to Director IA213051-9246321 
1Waseem AhmedDirector General (F&A)115051-9246300dg.finance@bisp.gov.pk
2Ch Muhammad  IqbalDirector  (F&A)176051-9246308dir.finance@bisp.gov.pk
3Muhammad AsifDeputy Director (F&A- I)265 ao.finance@bisp.gov.pk
4Akhtar MajeedDeputy Director (F&A- II)327051-9246381akhtarmajeed1967@gmail.com
5Muhammad Shafiq GillAssistant Director (F&A-II)265 shafiqgill346@gmail.com
6Javaid AfzalAssistant Director (F&A)327  
7Muhammad SarfrazAssistant Director F&A- I)265  
8Muhammad SafdarAPS to DG (F&A)149051-9246300pa.dgfinance@bisp.gov.pk
9Ms. Naila SiddiquePS to Director (F&A)227051-9246308 
1Hafiz Abdul RaufDirector (F&A) Policy168051-9246305dir.policy@bisp.gov.pk
2Abid ZahidDeputy Director (Policy)264 abedzahed0007@gmail.com
3Khurram ShahzadAssistant Director (Policy)234 aao.finance@bisp.gov.pk
4Muhammad BilalAssistant Director (Payroll)264 ad.payroll@bisp.gov.pk
5Khurram ShahzadAssistant Director (Recoupment)234  
6Ms. Nargis RiazAPS to Director (Policy)181051-9246305 
1Karamat Ali RandhawaDirector (FA)280051-9246301dir.fafinance@bisp.gov.pk
2Muhammad Israr AnwarDeputy Director (FA)289 ao.fa@bisp.gov.pk
3Sajid MehmoodPA to Director (FA)269051-9246301apsfafinance@bisp.gov.pk
4Sohail AbbasiAssistant Director (FA)229  
1Muhammad AnwarDDO180 anwarmuhammad487@gmail.com
2Babar Khan TareenAssistant Director (Accounts-I)266ad.accounts@bisp.gov.pk
3Khalil ur RehmanCashier298  
4Sajid KhalilCashier298 sajidbhatti28@gmail.com
1Adnan AhmedDirector (Ext. Audit)219051-9246299adnanahmedqazi@gmail.com
2Abid MehmoodDeputy Director289 abidaoma6032@gmail.com
3Naeem Abbas HaideryAssistant Director210 naeemhaidery@gmail.com
4Farrukh AnwarSenior Auditor210 mirza.farrukhanwar@gmail.com
1Dr.Asim IjazDirector (Board Coord.) (Additional Charge)134051-9246311dir.boardcoord@bisp.gov.pk
2Muhammad BilalAssistant Director221051-9246311ad.boardcoord@bisp.gov.pk
1Zulfiqar Ali ShaikhDirector General (MCO)479051-9210709dg.mco@bisp.gov.pk
2Saqib MumtazDirector (MCO)459051-9210705dir.mco@bisp.gov.pk
3Saira ZulfiqarDeputy Director (MCO)482 dd.mco2@bisp.gov.pk
4Mehran AttaAssistant Director(MCO)461 ad.mco@bisp.gov.pk
5Muhammad AhsanAssistant Media484 bispmedia1@bisp.gov.pk
6Ms. HafsaSocial Media Officer498 Hafsakh002@gmail.com
7Tanveer HussainAPS to DG (MCO)487051-9210709 
1Dr. Umer KhalidTeam Lead (PRU)707 umer.khalid@bisp.gov.pk
2Dr. Muhammad YaseenRM, M&E Expert723 m.yaseen@bisip.gov.pk

Official Website: BISP

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The Benazir Income Support Programme: Empowering Lives through Social Welfare

Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) a social welfare initiative in Pakistan aimed at alleviating poverty and empowering vulnerable individuals and families. By providing financial assistance and social support, BISP has made a significant impact on the lives of millions of Pakistanis, promoting social inclusion and sustainable development. Here, we will explore the history, objectives, eligibility criteria, benefits, and future prospects of the program.

1. The Origin and Evolution of the Benazir Income Support Programme

The Benazir Income Support Programme was launched in July 2008 by the Government of Pakistan, inspired by the vision and leadership of the late Benazir Bhutto, the former Prime Minister of Pakistan. The program aimed to address the pressing issue of poverty and bring about positive socio-economic changes in the country. Over the years, BISP has undergone various transformations and improvements to better cater to the needs of the underprivileged.

2. Objectives of the Benazir Income Support Programme

The primary objective of the Benazir Income Support Programme is to reduce poverty and create a more equitable society in Pakistan. The program aims to provide financial assistance to the poorest of the poor, ensuring their access to basic necessities such as food, healthcare, and education. By doing so, BISP seeks to empower individuals and families, enabling them to break the cycle of poverty and lead self-sufficient lives.

3. Eligibility Criteria for BISP

To ensure effective targeting and reach, the Benazir Income Support Programme has defined specific eligibility criteria. The criteria take into account factors such as income level, household composition, and socio-economic indicators. The selection process is carried out through a rigorous means testing exercise, which helps identify the most deserving beneficiaries who require immediate support.

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4. Benefits and Support Offered by BISP

Upon successful enrollment, beneficiaries of the Benazir Income Support Programme gain access to an array of benefits and support mechanisms. These include monthly cash transfers, healthcare assistance, vocational training opportunities, and educational support for children. By receiving regular financial aid, families can meet their basic needs, invest in education and skills development, and improve their overall standard of living.

5. Impact of BISP on Poverty Alleviation and Social Development

The Benazir Income Support Programme has made substantial progress in its efforts to combat poverty and uplift marginalized communities. The program has improved access to education for children, enhanced healthcare services, and increased financial inclusion among the target population. By empowering individuals economically, BISP has contributed to the overall well-being of families and communities, fostering social harmony and sustainable development.

6. Challenges and Future Prospects

While the Benazir Income Support Programme has achieved remarkable success, it continues to face challenges in its implementation and expansion. Ensuring effective targeting and preventing leakages in the system remain crucial areas of focus. Additionally, the program could benefit from further collaboration with other government initiatives and non-governmental organizations to create a comprehensive social welfare ecosystem. With strategic planning and continued support, BISP has the potential to reach even more vulnerable individuals and make a lasting impact on poverty reduction in Pakistan.

7. Successful Case Studies: Stories of Transformation

One of the most remarkable aspects of the Benazir Income Support Programme is the numerous success stories that have emerged from its beneficiaries. These stories highlight the transformative impact that the program has had on individuals and families. Let’s take a look at a few inspiring case studies:

  • The Khan family, residing in a remote village, was trapped in a cycle of poverty for generations. With the assistance of BISP, they received monthly cash transfers, which enabled them to invest in a small business. Today, they run a successful grocery store, providing employment opportunities to their community and significantly improving their standard of living.
  • Sana, a young girl from an underprivileged background, was determined to pursue her education but lacked the financial means to do so. Through BISP’s educational support program, she received scholarships and was able to complete her higher education. Sana is now a university graduate and works as a teacher, inspiring other young minds to dream big.
  • Ahmed, a skilled artisan, struggled to market his handmade crafts due to limited resources. With the vocational training provided by BISP, he honed his skills and learned valuable business techniques. Today, Ahmed’s products are in high demand both locally and internationally, and he has established a successful handicrafts enterprise, providing employment to fellow artisans.
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These success stories exemplify the life-changing impact of the Benazir Income Support Programme, demonstrating that with the right support and opportunities, individuals can overcome poverty and build a brighter future for themselves and their communities.

8. Collaboration and Sustainability

The success of the Benazir Income Support Programme is not solely attributed to its efforts but also to the collaborative approach taken by the government, civil society organizations, and other stakeholders. By partnering with various entities, BISP has been able to leverage resources, expertise, and knowledge to enhance the effectiveness and sustainability of the program.

Furthermore, the program has integrated innovative technology solutions to streamline processes and ensure transparency. The introduction of biometric verification systems and digital payment mechanisms has reduced the likelihood of fraud and improved the efficiency of fund distribution. These advancements have not only benefited the beneficiaries but have also boosted public trust in the program.

9. The Way Forward

As the Benazir Income Support Programme moves forward, it is essential to build upon its achievements and address the evolving needs of the target population. Some key areas to focus on include:

  • Strengthening the targeting mechanisms to ensure that the most vulnerable and marginalized individuals are included in the program.
  • Expanding the coverage to reach underserved areas and remote communities that are still in dire need of support.
  • Promoting financial literacy and entrepreneurial skills among beneficiaries to enhance their economic independence.
  • Collaborating with private sector entities to create employment opportunities and facilitate market access for program participants.
  • Conducting regular impact assessments and research to measure the effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.

By prioritizing these aspects, the Benazir Income Support Programme can continue to evolve and make a sustainable impact on poverty alleviation and social development in Pakistan.

10. The Impact on Social Dynamics and Gender Equality

One of the significant outcomes of the Benazir Income Support Programme is its impact on social dynamics and gender equality. The program has made substantial strides in promoting women’s empowerment and challenging traditional gender roles. By providing financial assistance directly to women, BISP has empowered them to have a say in household decision-making, increased their financial independence, and enhanced their social status within their communities.

Moreover, the program recognizes the unique challenges faced by women, particularly in terms of access to education and healthcare. BISP has implemented specific initiatives to address these issues, such as providing scholarships for girls’ education and ensuring access to quality healthcare services. This targeted approach has not only improved the lives of women but has also contributed to the overall development of society by nurturing a generation of educated and empowered women.

11. Overcoming Challenges and Enhancing Efficiency

While the Benazir Income Support Programme has achieved significant success, it is not without its challenges. One of the main challenges is ensuring that the program reaches the most deserving individuals and avoids any instances of fraud or misallocation of resources. To address this, BISP has implemented robust monitoring and evaluation mechanisms, including the use of technology for verification and payment disbursement.

Furthermore, the program continues to work on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of its operations. This includes streamlining administrative processes, strengthening coordination with other government departments, and leveraging data analytics to enhance targeting and program design. By continually adapting and evolving, BISP can overcome these challenges and ensure that its impact is maximized.

12. The Role of Public Awareness and Advocacy

Public awareness and advocacy play a crucial role in the success of the Benazir Income Support Programme. By increasing awareness about the program and its benefits, more eligible individuals can be reached, and the social stigma associated with receiving assistance can be reduced. This requires concerted efforts from the government, civil society organizations, and the media to disseminate accurate information and dispel any misconceptions.

Additionally, advocacy efforts are essential to garner support and resources for the expansion and sustainability of the program. By highlighting the positive impact of BISP and sharing success stories, stakeholders can create a favorable environment for continued investment in social welfare initiatives. This will ensure that the program can reach even more individuals in need and make a lasting difference in their lives.

BISP Benazir Income Support Programme Helpline

The Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) Helpline is a valuable resource for individuals seeking information and assistance related to the program. The helpline serves as a point of contact for beneficiaries, potential applicants, and the general public who have queries, concerns, or require guidance regarding BISP.

By calling the BISP Helpline, individuals can access accurate and up-to-date information about the program’s eligibility criteria, application process, benefits, and other related inquiries. The helpline is staffed by knowledgeable representatives who are trained to address various concerns and provide assistance in a helpful and courteous manner.

The BISP Helpline not only serves as a means to obtain information but also as a platform to report any issues or grievances related to the program. Individuals can voice their concerns, seek resolution for problems encountered, or provide feedback to help improve the overall functioning of BISP.

The helpline operates during designated working hours, and callers can expect prompt and reliable support from the dedicated helpline team. The contact details for the BISP Helpline, including the phone number and operating hours, are widely publicized to ensure accessibility to those in need of assistance.

In conclusion, the BISP Helpline plays a vital role in providing support and information to individuals associated with the Benazir Income Support Programme. It serves as a reliable resource for beneficiaries and applicants, helping them navigate the program and address any queries or concerns they may have. Through effective communication and assistance, the helpline contributes to the success and effectiveness of BISP in reaching its goals of poverty alleviation and social empowerment.


The Benazir Income Support Programme is a remarkable example of a comprehensive social welfare initiative that has transformed the lives of millions of Pakistanis. By providing financial assistance, education support, healthcare services, and vocational training, BISP has empowered individuals and families to break free from the cycle of poverty and build a better future. The program’s focus on targeting the most vulnerable, its collaborative approach, and its commitment to sustainability have been instrumental in its success.

Moving forward, it is essential to continue investing in social welfare programs like BISP to ensure a more equitable and inclusive society. By addressing the challenges, enhancing efficiency, and promoting public awareness, we can further strengthen the impact of such initiatives and create an environment where all individuals have equal opportunities to thrive and contribute to the nation’s progress. The Benazir Income Support Programme stands as a beacon of hope and a catalyst for positive change, reminding us of the transformative power of social welfare in shaping a better future for all.